Borrowed Space and Regular Features
- Raimond Chaves
- Jochen Lempert
- Gilda Mantilla
- Karel Martens
- Matt Mullican
- Marc Nagtzaam
- Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt
From: 15.02.2020 - 19.03.2020
Borrowed Space and Regular Features
- Raimond Chaves
- Jochen Lempert
- Gilda Mantilla
- Karel Martens
- Matt Mullican
- Marc Nagtzaam
- Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt
Borrowed Space and Regular Features is an exhibition curated by dutch artist Marc Nagtzaam in a presentation of his own work with works by Jochen Lempert, Gilda Mantilla and Raimond Chaves, Karel Martens, Matt Mullican and Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt. The idea of the show comes from an artist book by Nagtzaam, Regular Features (Roma Publications, 2019), that compiles all his text drawings made between 1992 and 2019 with contributions by other artists (Lempert, Martens and Wolf-Rehfeldt among them) that are inserted throughout the book pages. The other part of the show’s title, Borrowed Space, also refers to a work by Nagtzaam which is, in a way, the central point of the exhibition. The show proposes a presentation of works dealing with texts, graphics, signs, in which the notion of writing is approached.
Guided visit to show – English
Visita guiada a la exposición – ES