Iñaki Bonillas
Hors-série #36 – Interiors 2nd ed.
Not available
Date 2018
Publisher MOREPublishers, Ghent -Brussels
Technical info
12 x 16 cm. 96
Publisher MOREPublishers, Ghent -Brussels
Technical info
12 x 16 cm. 96
Hors-série #36 – Interiors 2nd ed.
19 offset prints on Soporset 60 gr inserted in booklet
Prints : 7 x 11 cm. Booklet : 12 x 16 cm
Ed. 25 + 10 AP, signed and numbered
A book with empty white pages and 19 lose inserts showing images of books taken from classic paintings. In this second edition, an additional photograph is inserted in the book.
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