Isidoro Valcárcel Medina
I.V.M. Oficina de Gestión
Publisher Entreascuas Editores S.L.
Technical info
26,5 x 22 x 3 cm. 288 p.
I.V.M. Oficina de Gestión
In 1994 Isidoro Valcárcel Medina transformed Madrid’s Galería Fúcares into an Ideas Management Office for a month. The Informative brochure of the Office read:
«I.V.M. Management Office. Projects – Proposals – Promotions – Programs and Prospects. From February 26, 1994 on I.V.M. takes the position of customer service to develop the management of ideas efficiently. Whatever your plan or purpose was, I.V.M. helps in the structuring, elaboration, analysis, planning and completion, in general, of your project, provided that it falls within the field of this Management Office, field, it must be said, that is very broad. Opening hours to the public: Tuesday to Saturday, from 11 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 9 pm.»
This book brings together the results of the Office’s work, in particular the 107 projects that were admitted and answered.
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