Matt Mullican
Notating the Cosmology 1973-2003 (Special edition)
Not available
Date 2009
Publisher Captures, Valence
Technical info
Ed. 14/50, 17 x 25 cm. Unpag.
Publisher Captures, Valence
Technical info
Ed. 14/50, 17 x 25 cm. Unpag.
Notating the Cosmology 1973-2003 (Special edition)
In more than 100 pages the book compiles Mullican’s “world view” in an annotated form, as it presents drawing as a means to elucidating ideas. The artist’s fictive studio, the performances, all of Mullican’s imaginary universe unfolds in its growing complexity through the book pages. An inventory of notes, charts, sketches, texts and signs; a flux of language that enables the artist to locate his own ideas on a much larger cultural map. The book collects the drawings presented in Mullican’s show at ProjecteSD in May 2008. This is the special edition of 50 signed and numbered books, each containing an “original” pencil drawing by Mullican.
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Always More Than One – Not Here
DC: Matt Mullican: Learning From That Person’s Work
Més Detalls d’un Univers Imaginari
Model Architecture
Mullican Rubbings Catalogue 1984-2016
Notating the Cosmology 1973-2003 (Special edition)
Notating the Cosmology 1973-2008
Poster 05-PSD
Poster 18-PSD
Representing The Work
Subject Element Sign Frame World
That person’s workbook
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